July 20, 2024
The Power of Thoughts ☢

We often hear that stress from our jobs can make us sick.

BUT did you know that our HABITUAL thinking and UNCONSCIOUS thoughts can be just as HARMFUL…if not more ⁉

Behavioral psychology has long suggested this, but recent findings in neuroscience provide even more COMPELLING evidence.

➖The REPERCUSSIONS of Negative Thoughts

Studies in behavioral psychology reveal that negative thoughts and habitual thinking patterns can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and even physical illness. Our brains are wired to respond to perceived threats, BUT our thoughts can trigger the SAME stress response as real-life dangers.

⚡ This is why RECOGNIZING and REFRAMING our negative thoughts is critical!

According to a study published in the journal Health Psychology, individuals with a tendency towards negative thinking were more likely to manifest health problems like migraines, PMDD, cardiovascular issues and ⬇ immune responses. This study underscores the importance of managing our thought patterns to maintain our health.

🧠 The Neuroscience of Change

Thanks to neuroscience, we now understand that changing our thought patterns is not as daunting as it once seemed. The brain’s plasticity – its ability to change and adapt – means that we can REWIRE our thought processes and develop healthier, more positive thinking patterns.

Research from the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that 🧘‍♀️MINDFULNESS PRACTICES 🧘‍♀️ can significantly ALTER the brain’s structure and function. Mindfulness meditation has been shown to ⬇ the density of the amygdala, the brain’s stress center, while ⬆the connectivity in regions associated with POSITIVE EMOTIONS & SELF-REGULATION.


In other words, it’s very difficult to change your fkd up thoughts with same fkd up mind that has been thinking the fkd up thoughts. Make sense?

Navigating the journey can be challenging, at best.

This is where I come in. I guide you through this transition, helping you to SEE and change the negative thought patterns.

Transformation coaching is NOT just about positive thinking; it’s about DEEP, LASTING change.

Working with me, you gain access to tools and strategies that can help you rewire your brain for success. Investing in yourself is the best use of your time and money.

Imagine a life where your thoughts SUPPORT your goals, NOT sabotage them!

Imagine feeling in control of your responses, NOT at the mercy of your habitual thinking.

This is the POWER of transformation coaching!

The COST of not addressing our negative thoughts is HIGH. Chronic stress and anxiety can lead to severe health issues, diminish job performance, and RUIN relationships.

The time to act is NOW. By investing in coaching, you are investing in your future health, happiness, and success.

Reach out to me today. Your journey to transformation starts now!




